About me

I’m a data enthusiast with a Master’s in Data Science and AI from the University of Liverpool. Driven by curiosity and powered by caffeine, I’m on a quest for insights that lie hidden in data.

From statistics to algorithms, I see the beauty in numbers. My journey has led me to diverse projects that honed my analytical, programming, and communication skills. I’m now eager to join a team where we can unravel complex data puzzles and make a real impact.

Let’s collaborate, brainstorm, and find meaning in the world of data. Together, we’ll discover new questions to ask, uncover hidden patterns, and continuously enhance our data-driven world.



Stock Price Prediction

  • Built precise stock prediction models for selected stock types (tech sector) and compare them with each other based on various evaluation metrics.


Semantic Segmentation

Implement and compare three deep convolutional neural network architectures – FCN, Deeplab, and UNet – for semantic segmentation on the Cambridge labeled objects in video dataset.


Sales Management

The business request for this data analyst project was an executive sales report for sales managers.


Sales Insights

Building a Power Bi dashboard to find valuable insights in computer hardware business.

Get in Touch

Mobile No. – +44 7471880434

+91 8824824999

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